Have you been updated to the new version of QuickBooks Online recently?

Have you been updated to the new QuickBooks Online version recently?

Over the past several months, QuickBooks Online has been updating users to a new version of QuickBooks Online. It was initially called the”Harmony” version. Now it’s referred to as the “new” version of QuickBooks Online. The new version of QuickBooks Online is on an entire new interface and it looks very different from the old version. I am so excited because my own QuickBooks Online company was just updated this week, finally! I realize, though, that for many of you this is a difficult transition. Nobody likes change especially when it affects your productivity. Fortunately, I have created for you some free  training video tutorials on the new version of QuickBooks Online. You’ll see that you will quickly be able to transition into the new version of QuickBooks Online.

Here is the list of videos so far. You can also visit my website www.QuickBooksOnlineTrainingVideos.com or subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get the latest videos.

New QuickBooks Online Overview – A quick overview of the new QuickBooks Online so you can get familiar with it.

Getting Around in the All New Version of QuickBooks Online – A tour of the new QuickBooks Online so you can learn where you enter transactions, where the company settings are, and where to download transactions from your bank.

Quick Ways for Adding Transactions to QuickBooks Online – Quick and easy ways to entering and downloading transactions. This is my most popular video.

These are very short videos (less than 6 minutes each) and, of course, they are free.

So, if you are struggling with the transition to the new QuickBooks Online or kicking yourself for clicking on the “update now” button, don’t worry. You’ll soon get used to the new version of QuickBooks Online and will get back to your normal bookkeeping tasks in no time.

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