

About Veronica Wasek

Hi, I'm Veronica Wasek. I am an Accounting Influencer, Top 10 QuickBooks ProAdvisor, a CPA, and a Certified Advanced QBO ProAdvisor. I am truly passionate about helping entrepreneurs and bookkeepers to minimize bookkeeping and maximize profits. Let's face it - nobody wants to spend too much time doing bookkeeping! This blog was born out of a desire to share simple QuickBooks Online training and tutorials, modern bookkeeping tips, and more. 5MinuteBookkeeping.com is now an award-winning blog focused on showing others how to leverage the power of QuickBooks Online, the cloud, and integrated applications to maximize profits and productivity. If you're a bookkeeper - you'll also find topics helping you to grow and run your bookkeeping business. Learn more about me and my modern accounting firm at https://www.QuickBooksOnlineExpert.com. Join my FaceBook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/5minutebookkeeping/ to ask questions and interact with me and like-minded people.
  • The best free and low cost apps for bookkeepers cover

The best free and low cost apps for bookkeepers

By |2023-12-18T17:19:37+00:00December 19th, 2023|Bookkeeping BIZ|

Are you a bookkeeper looking for affordable and efficient tools to streamline your business operations? In today's digital age, there are numerous free and low-cost apps available that can help you manage your bookkeeping business effectively. Let’s go over the best free and low cost apps for bookkeepers.

  • ChatGPT for bookkeepers how to become a marketing machine in 3 steps cover

ChatGPT for bookkeepers how to become a marketing machine in 3 steps

By |2023-10-03T17:22:20+00:00October 4th, 2023|Bookkeeping BIZ|

In today’s fast-paced digital world, bookkeepers face various challenges when it comes to marketing their services and effectively. Traditional marketing approaches can be time consuming and expensive, leaving bookkeepers searching for other solutions. One marketing solution I use and highly recommend? ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot. Today, I’ll go over ChatGPT for bookkeepers and how to become a marketing machine in 3 steps.

  • 5 reasons why clients keep pushing back on your bookkeeping prices

5 reasons why clients keep pushing back on your bookkeeping prices

By |2023-09-06T14:33:19+00:00September 13th, 2023|Bookkeeping BIZ|

Why do bookkeeping clients keep challenging you on your prices? Are you doing something wrong? It is not uncommon for clients to challenge the pricing structure. It’s crucial to address these objections effectively and maintain a healthy client relationship. Today, I’m going to discuss 5 reasons why clients keep pushing back on your bookkeeping prices and what you can do about it.

  • Tips for taking on a messy comingling cleanup in QuickBooks Online

Tips for taking on a messy comingling cleanup in QuickBooks Online

By |2023-09-01T14:34:20+00:00August 8th, 2023|Bookkeeping BIZ, Bookkeeping DIY|

Starting with a new bookkeeping client can be an exciting opportunity, but what happens when their books are a mixed mess of personal and business transactions? It becomes crucial to implement effective strategies to untangle the comingling mess and establish proper bookkeeping practices. When that happens to you, here are my tips for taking on a messy comingling cleanup in QuickBooks Online.

  • Free QuickBooks ProAdvisor Certification: how I used it to grow my bookkeeping business

Free QuickBooks ProAdvisor Certification: how I used it to grow my bookkeeping business

By |2023-09-01T14:37:13+00:00July 10th, 2023|Bookkeeping BIZ, Bookkeeping DIY|

It’s not news that QuickBooks is widely used among small business owners. When I started my business, I realized my limited knowledge of QuickBooks put me at a disadvantage. To grow, I needed to understand what was important to my clients. That was QuickBooks. Today, I’ll discuss the valuable resources provided by Intuit that are beneficial whether you’re new to bookkeeping or experienced. Keep reading or watch to learn more about the Free QuickBooks ProAdvisor Certification: how I used it to grow my bookkeeping business.

  • Bookkeepers: What you need to know about legal entities and owner compensation

Bookkeepers: What you need to know about legal entities and owner compensation

By |2023-06-12T21:46:47+00:00June 12th, 2023|Bookkeeping BIZ|

Are you ready to take your bookkeeping knowledge to the next level? As bookkeepers, our clients come in an assorted variety of legal entities. Legal entities and owner compensation might not sound like the most exciting topic, but trust me, it’s essential knowledge for any bookkeeper looking to grow, gain confidence, or tackle clean-up projects. Understanding your client’s legal entity and how they should be compensated can make a world of difference in your work with US clients. Today I’ll help explain the different tax forms and compensation methods for each type of legal entity, including Sole Proprietorships, LLCs, S Corporations, Partnerships, and C Corporations.So keep reading or click the video below to hear my insights for bookkeepers: what you need to know about legal entities and owner compensation.

  • How to gain confidence as a new bookkeeper cover

How to gain confidence as a new bookkeeper

By |2023-04-21T00:11:08+00:00April 21st, 2023|Bookkeeping BIZ|

Does this sound familiar? You’re starting a bookkeeping business or recently got started as a bookkeeper and you're struggling with self-doubt and lack of confidence. If so, you’re not alone. It’s normal to have fears about the future. I can empathize because I have been there, frozen with fear and scared out of my mind when I first started my virtual bookkeeping business. But don’t worry, there is hope. If you’re looking for some practical advice to overcome your fears and self-doubt as a bookkeeper, keep reading or click on the video linked below where I'll share my top 4 tips with you on how to gain confidence as a bookkeeper.

  • 5 Reasons why every bookkeeper should stop charging by the hour

5 Reasons why every bookkeeper should stop charging by the hour

By |2022-07-28T18:03:19+00:00July 28th, 2022|Bookkeeping BIZ|

When it comes to pricing their services, most new bookkeepers start off with charging their clients by the hour. I certainly did that in the early days of my bookkeeping business too. But one of the best things that I did to grow my business was to move away from hourly billing to pricing all services upfront for my clients instead. If you’re still charging clients by the hour, I’d love to share my insights and experience with you from my own pricing journey. Keep reading or watch the video linked below to hear my top 5 reasons why every bookkeeper should stop charging by the hour.

  • Paid diagnostic review: every bookkeeper's weapon for taking on a big QuickBooks Online cleanup project

Paid diagnostic review: Every bookkeeper’s weapon for taking on a big QuickBooks Online cleanup

By |2022-06-23T17:57:39+00:00June 23rd, 2022|Bookkeeping BIZ, QBO Cleanup|

Knocking out a big QuickBooks Online cleanup project requires the right preparation, tools, and strategy. Imagine if a boxer were to walk into the ring unprepared, without a strategy or the tools to take on their opponent - they would most likely lose the fight. Are you facing the challenge of a messy QuickBooks Online cleanup project, and want to triumph? Keep reading to learn about the paid diagnostic review: every bookkeeper's weapon for taking on a big QuickBooks Online cleanup project.

  • The biggest pricing mistakes I have made in my virtual bookkeeping business

The biggest pricing mistakes I have made in my bookkeeping business

By |2022-05-26T16:52:25+00:00May 26th, 2022|Bookkeeping BIZ|

Are you struggling with pricing your bookkeeping services? Pricing is not easy, and in fact, it can evoke a lot of negative emotions, including fear and anxiety. It was certainly one of the areas that I struggled with the most while growing my virtual bookkeeping business. Although it was tough at times, I learned so much through the process. Would you like to skip past the trial and error and get straight to the good part? Keep reading, and I'll share the biggest pricing mistakes that I have made in my bookkeeping business, and the very valuable lessons that I have learned.

  • My biggest lessons learned after doing hundreds of QuickBooks Online cleanups

My biggest lessons learned after doing hundreds of QuickBooks Online cleanups

By |2022-04-28T20:38:58+00:00April 28th, 2022|Bookkeeping BIZ, QBO Cleanup|

Are you taking on a QuickBooks Online cleanup and looking for some helpful tips? After doing hundreds of QuickBooks Online cleanup projects, I have pretty much seen it all by now. I have made my share of mistakes, but I have certainly learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way. Every cleanup has it’s own unique challenges, but there are some key factors to help set you up for success from the start. Keep reading to find out my biggest lessons learned after doing hundreds of QuickBooks Online cleanups, and see how they can help you.

  • My scariest QuickBooks Online horror stories

My scariest QuickBooks cleanup horror stories

By |2022-03-31T16:13:58+00:00March 31st, 2022|Bookkeeping BIZ, QBO Cleanup|

After doing hundreds of of cleanups, I have seen it all. I've seen undeposited funds, uncategorized income, uncategorized expenses, unapplied income and expenses, reconciliation discrepancies, comingling. And the list goes on. Over the course of all these cleanup situations, I have come across some that defy all of our expectations for a “normal” cleanup. Today, I’m sharing my scariest QuickBooks cleanup horror stories.

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