
Do you have trouble getting bookkeeping clients?

If you’re having trouble getting bookkeeping clients, I can completely understand, because I have had issues, and in fact in the early part of my business, I had a lot of problems attracting clients and getting clients. It was because I was doing what everybody else was doing. I was blending in. There wasn’t anything different that I did from anyone else. I just would tell people that what I did was that I did accounting, I did bookkeeping, and I did QuickBooks. Many times they would even get confused and ask me was I doing taxes. I said, “No, I don’t do taxes,” but for some reason, that’s all they would remember about me, that I did accounting and I probably did taxes.

It took me a while to then be able to figure out how to make myself memorable to people. To make yourself memorable, you need to be different. You need to tell your story. You need to do and say things that are different from other bookkeepers. Otherwise, you’re just blending in. When you don’t do anything different from anybody else, the only thing that you can compete on is price, and that’s why, as accountants and bookkeepers, we seem to be driving our pricing down instead of up, because the only thing we can compete on is price.

One of the things I used to do when I would go on some of my networking meetings was to make myself memorable so people would remember who I was. Usually in a networking meeting, you have to stand up and introduce yourself. So I would say, “Hi, I’m Veronica Wasek and I am the QuickBooks Ghostbuster” or “I’m Veronica Wasek. I’m CEO of my company. The ‘Chief Everything Officer’,” because back then it was just me. I would just try to say little things here and there that were funny, that were memorable, so that people would remember and associate me with QuickBooks which is my niche and my specialty.

It really paid off! In fact, from one of my networking groups, one of the women in the group referred me to a board that she was on, and I was able to get this client for a fully outsourced bookkeeping service because she remembered that I was the “QuickBooks lady.”

Remember, the most important thing here is that if you don’t stand out, if you’re not memorable, if you don’t do the things that it takes to set yourself apart from everyone else, the only thing that you can compete on is price.

I’m Veronica Wasek, and this was an episode of BK BIZ. If you find this content helpful, make sure that you subscribe to my channel, visit my blog,, and leave a comment, and let me know if you are doing some things that make you memorable and let me know what those are.

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