Do you want to find quality bookkeeping clients? Then learn about the #1 website change to attract bookkeeping clients so that you can attract those ideal clients who value your services.

In previous episodes of BK Biz, I showed you how to identify new ideal clients. I also talked about how to identify your ideal client’s biggest needs, in terms of time, money, and emotion. Emotion is especially important, because at the end of the day, our prospective clients are feeling a lot of emotion around their financials and their numbers. Rather than talking about ourselves, we want to speak specifically to our clients’ needs.

Speak to your client’s biggest needs

Today, I’m going to show you how you can make some changes on your website so you can start attracting your ideal bookkeeping clients. I will show you some examples of how you can take your ideal client’s biggest needs and speak directly to them. That way, you can attract those ideal clients.

Let’s go over some examples:

Just as a review, you should be identifying your ideal client’s biggest needs in three main areas:

  • Emotion
  • Time
  • Money

Once you have identified your ideal client’s biggest needs, then you want to start changing your marketing material to speak directly to those ideal clients and the needs that you have uncovered. That could be on your website, your social media profiles, the Find-a-ProAdvisor website, your service packages, your sales conversation, and even your content marketing.

How you can change your website

Here’s a great example from Merritt Bookkeeping.

It’s says, “Never worry about your bookkeeping again!” I think this is a great example of speaking directly to that business owner’s emotion of worry. They may be staying up late at night concerned and confused about their financials – and worried that they’ll get in trouble with the IRS! This is a great phrase to capture the ideal client’s attention right away.

By the way, what I’m showing you here is what we call the ‘above the fold section’ of a website, which means that this is the place where a website visitor lands when they first look at the website. Visitors to the website actually have about three seconds to make a decision as to whether or not they want to work with you and whether or not they will connect with you. You want to be able to connect with them right away with a statement like this, “Never worry about your bookkeeping again!”

Connect with your ideal client through images

Another way to connect with your ideal client is through images. Look at the image on Merritt Bookkeeping’s website.

It’s somebody that looks happy. She looks content. She looks at peace.

Immediately, the website visitor will see the call to action. “Interested in our service?” They can click right away, book an appointment, give them a call, whatever that is.

Here’s another example form “Focus on what you do best. We’ll do the rest.”

Here it’s talking about helping the small business owner to focus on what they do best, which is more than likely generating revenue for their business. This is speaking to the business owner in terms of money and time. The business owner can free up their time to do what they do best, which means making money for the company.

Look at the image on’s website landing page. I think this is great. These are people celebrating.

Whether the picture represents the business owner celebrating that they don’t have to worry about their financials anymore, or it’s a team of financial experts that are working alongside the business owner and they’re all celebrating together, it evokes an emotion. That’s exactly what you want to do on your landing page or your home page is to evoke an emotion from your ideal client, and speaking specifically to them about their inner needs, in terms of time, money, and emotion.

Here’s a great example from my friend, Karine Woodman, at 24hr Bookkeeper. In fact, she has a video playing in the background. It shows a couple of business people who are doing a ‘happy dance’.

Then it says, “Eliminate frustration in your business.” Again, talking about emotion. Also, the visitor will see the call to action, “Get started.” If that ideal client is making an immediate connection with you, then you should have a call to action right away, such as: “Get started.” Great example again of speaking to that ideal client in a very succinct way, and evoking an emotion so that they can make a connection with you.

Check out this book: Building a Story Brand, by Donald Miller

If you’d like to learn more about connecting with your client, learning how to speak directly to their needs, even uncovering what their inner needs are, I highly recommend that you check out the book: Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller. This book has helped me a lot, and actually helped me to clarify my marketing message. It’s taken me seven years to figure this stuff out. A lot of it has come from this book, and a lot of it from my own experience, but I highly encourage to check this out.

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